Fall 2016
- Dec 21: SSDL welcomes two new undergrad RAs - Maoyu (Roy) Wang and Milkyas Afework, both MAE students. They will work in support of research projects and lab activities. Welcome Roy and Milkyas!
- Dec 10: Vishnu Paidimarri, our group's longtime site and lab admin and SSDL's only civil engineering student has graduated with a BS degree. Congrats to Vishnu! We wish him all success in the future too.
Dec 9: SSDL meets for Fall group dinner at Boba Fusion.
- Nov 18: Prateek Kulkarni successfully defends his MS thesis titled "Nonlinear and Inertant Acoustic Metamaterials and their Device Implications." Congratulations Prateek!
- Nov 11: Anuj Rekhy successfully defends his MS thesis on "Low-Frequency Acoustic Noise Mitigation Characteristics of Metamaterials-Inspired Vibro-Impact Structures." Anuj has the distinction of being SSDL's first Master's graduate. Congratulations Anuj!
Nov 10: News article on Dr. Manimala's DARPA award published on MAE website.
- Oct 18: Dr. Manimala wins a 2016 DARPA Young Faculty Award to investigate metamaterials-inspired MEMS devices. This award provides $498,000 of research funding for 2 years with the possibility of a follow-on $500,000, 1 year Director's fellowship. The DARPA YFA aims to "identify and engage rising research stars in junior faculty positions at U.S. academic institutions and introduce them to Department of Defense needs as well as DARPA’s program development process." The YFA award bestows national recognition to the research underway at SSDL. More updates to follow soon.
- Oct 6: Aditya Agrawal, graduate student in IEM joins SSDL as lab assistant. Aditya will provide support to research activities underway at SSDL. Welcome Aditya!
Sep 30: SSDL hosts honors project experiments for sophomore dynamics students.
Sep 20: Mr. Gonzalo Mendoza, Manager, Structural Dynamics and Acoustics at Textron Aviation gives a talk on 'Dynamics Practice at Textron' in Dr. Manimala's sophomore dynamics class. Mr. Mendoza is also an adjunct professor of aircraft design at San José State University and has 18 years' of experience as an aircraft engineer.
- Sep 14: Dr. Manimala gives an invited talk titled 'Acoustic Metamaterials: Perspectives Beyond Resonance' at the United States Military Academic, West Point as part of a site visit organized by DARPA.
Aug 28: SSDL works with Envision Rapid Cutting LLC, Norman, OK for waterjet cutting of polycarbonate metamaterial test articles.
Summer 2016
- Jul 31: SSDL summer group meets up at Dr. Manimala's place for a barbeque and try out the new garden railway!
- Jul 27: OSU collaborates with Textron Aviation - Engineers from Textron's acoustics group partnered with SSDL to conduct acoustic transmission loss testing of aircraft structural panels with various treatments. The testing was conducted in OSU's acoustics lab using the reverb-anechoic chamber facility according to ASTM and SAE standards. Textron team comprised of Gonzalo Mendoza, Dr. Wenlung Liu, Greg Hayward and Lloyd Kronk. OSU team comprised of Dr. James Manimala, Anuj Rekhy, Andrew Chambers, Mykale Holland and Alexader Svetgoff. Link: http://www.mae.okstate.edu/content/osu-collaborates-textron-aviation
- Jun 24: SSDL receives new equipment. A laser vibrometer and a hot press are the latest additions to our lab facilities.
Jun 22: Prateek's theoretical work on 'Longitudinal elastic wave propagation characteristics of inertant acoustic metamaterials' is published online in the Journal of Applied Physics. Congrats Prateek!
- Jun 3: SSDL hosts representatives from Textron Aviation for discussions on potential collaboration.
Spring 2016
May 10: SSDL hosts two sessions on 'Mechanics of Impacts and Vibrations' for high school students from Oklahoma during National Lab Day 2016. Experimental modules on Chladni Plate (Prateek, Alex and Ryan), Helmholtz Resonance (Anuj and Andrew), SHPB and 3D Printing (Barrett, Ryan and Vishnu) and Impact Testing using Gas Gun (Matt, Prateek and Vishnu) were presented. Check out the photos and videos!
Apr 24: Spring 2016 group lunch at DaVinci's.
- Apr 7: Barrett Lee wins a 2016-17 Wentz Research Grant for his proposal titled "Nanoparticle Impregnated Kevlar Soft Body Armor." Congratulations Barrett!
- Mar 31: Anuj Rekhy's paper on metamaterials-inspired vibro-impact structures selected for presentation at Noise-Con 2016.
- Mar 25: Alexander Svetgoff, MAE Junior, joins SSDL as undergrad RA. Alexander will work on manufacturing of acoustic liner composites. Welcome Alexander!
Mar 4: Anuj Rekhy's poster on Metamaterials-Inspired Aerospace Structures at the OSU Automation Society Poster Competition wins first place. Congratulations Anuj!
- March: Representatives from Textron Aviation and Boeing visit OSU and SSDL for technical briefings.
- Mar 2: Manuscript titled, "Numerical Investigation of Amplitude-Dependent Dynamic Response in Acoustic Metamaterials with Nonlinear Oscillators", authored by Dr. Manimala and Prof. C. T. Sun has been selected for publication in the Journal of Acoustical Society of America's forthcoming special issue on Acoustic Metamaterials.