Fall 2017
- Dec 8: David Campbell, Engineering Manager for the Non-Destructive Inspection Program at Tinker AFB tours SSDL as part of his visit to OSU.
Nov 17: SSDL helps organize Dr. Hanna Cho's visit to OSU. Dr. Cho, who is Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at The Ohio State University gave a talk on "Exploiting Nonlinearity in Micro/ Nanoscale Systems" as part of MAE's Fall 2017 Research Seminar Series. The seminar announcement is available here. Photos below.
- Nov 15: SSDL participates in lab tour and discussions with Mr. Alan Griffitts, Director, Acoustics Research Detachment, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, Idaho during his visit to OSU.
- Oct 28: SSDL helps organize the first annual MAE Graduate Research Symposium. [Link]
- Nov 01: Congratulations to undergrad RA, Alexander Svetgoff on receiving the Robert W. Young Award from the Acoustical Soceity of America for undergrad student research! He will be supported through this award to continue research on membrane embedded liners that he worked on during his internship at NASA Langley. Keep up the good work, Zander!
- Sep 25: Congratulations to undergrad RA, Kara Stead on being offered an internship with Textron Aviation! Kara has accepted the offer to work as a quality engineering intern at Textron's Independence, KS facility during the summer of 2018. News and Photo available here.
Sep 19: Gonzalo Mendoza, Manager for Loads, Acoustics and Structural Dynamics at Textron Aviation delivers an invited talk on "Dynamics Practice in the Aerospace Industry" from a historical perspective in Dr. Manimala's sophomore Elementary Dynamics class. The announcement can be found here. Photos below.
- Sep 12: The official photo from the 2016 DARPA YFA meeting was just received. Dr. Manimala received the YFA certificate from Col. Matthew Hepburn, MD (US Army), Program Manager in DARPA's Biological Technologies Office on Oct 18th 2016.
- Aug 30: Dr. Manimala particiaptes and presents poster about Metamaterials-Inspired MEMS research at the 2017 DARPA YFA meeting in Arlington, VA. Technical briefings were also given to the DARPA program manager's team during this visit.
Summer 2017
- Aug 18: SSDL partners with Textron Aviation to complete second edition of joint testing to measure acoustic transmission loss through aircraft fuselage sections with custom treatments. Textron team consisted of Gonzalo Mendoza, Scott Sanborn, Dr. Wenlung Liu, and Lloyd Kronk. OSU team members were Dr. Manimala, grad students Sabiju, Vignesh, Karthik and Dustin and undergrad RAs Alex, Alie, Chris, Kara, Milkyas, and Zander.
- Aug 15: Dustin Gabbert joins as PhD student. Dustin received his BS and MS degrees right here at OSU and went on to work at Sandia National Labs since 2015. Dustin is also an officer and Blackhawk pilot in the US Army National Guard. We welcome Dustin to SSDL!
- Aug 7: Vigneshwaran Krishnamurthy joins as PhD student. Vignesh received his MTech degree in Aerospace Engineering from IIT Kanpur this May. His master's research was on damage modeling for ductile materials. Besides, he has varied extracurricular interests. Welcome Vignesh!
Jun 20: Dr. Manimala and Dr. Callicoat visit the U.S. Navy's Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center Pacific, San Diego, CA, for site tours and resarch discussions. A poster was presented on the DARPA sponsored research program.
- Jun 2: Sabiju Valiya Valappil joins as PhD student. Sabiju has worked as an engineer with Caterpillar Inc. He has an MTech degree in Mechanical Systems Design from IIT Kharagpur and a BTech degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kannur University. His research will focus on metamaterials-inspired MEMS devices. Welcome Sabiju!
Spring 2017
- May 21: Spring 2017 group dinner at Olive Garden.
- May 16: SSDL hosts another edition of the National Lab Day event on 'Mechanics of Impacts and Vibrations' for high school students from Oklahoma. Students and teachers from Dewey High School and Gordon Cooper Technology Center participated in the event. Our lab presented demos on Acoustic Levitation (Milkyas and Kara), Acoustic Liners (Alex and Alie), Chladni Plate (Karthik and Tetsuro) and SHPB and High Speed Camera (Chris and Catherine). Photos below.
- May 5: We have two new students joining as undergrad RAs. Welcome Alie Lory and Kara Stead to our lab group!
- Apr 17: Congratulations to Andrew Chambers on successfully defending his Master's thesis titled, "Development of Lightweight, Compact, Structurally-Integrated Acoustic Liners for Broadband Low-Frequency Noise Mitigation." Andrew will join Northwest Crane in an engineering position this summer.
- Apr 12: Dr. Manimala participates in the Spring 2017 Acoustics Technical Working Group Meeting at NASA Langley.
- Apr 10: 'Poetry in Motion,' an article on the research underway at SSDL as part of the DARPA project is highlighted in the Headlines section of OSU news and information website. This article is available here.
- Apr 3: Prateek Kulkarni's paper, 'Nonlinear and Inertant Acoustic Metamaterials and their Device Implications,' is accepted for presentation at the 2017 Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM) Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics to be held in Indianapolis in June and for publication in the Springer conference proceedings.
- Mar 31: Andrew Chambers' paper, 'Improved Low-Frequency Broadband Absorption using 3D Folded Cavity Acoustic Liners,' is accepted for the Institute for Noise Control Engineering's Noise-Con 2017 Congress and Conference Proceedings.
- Mar 30: SSDL receives several new equipment. A BSWA SW422/ 477 Normal Incidence Tube, Projet 1200 Micro-SLA 3D Printer, Vernier Structures Tester and Photron Mini UX-100 High Speed Camera are the latest additions to our lab facilities.
- Mar 27: Alexander Svetgoff receives a summer internship offer from NASA. He will have an opportunity to work at the the Liner Technology Facility at NASA Langley. Congratulations, Alexander on being selected to this prestigious program!
- Mar 8: ASME's Noise Control and Acoustics Division's (NCAD) February 2017 newsletter mentions Dr. Manimala's DARPA Award. A highlighted PDF version can be viewed here (see page 7). The original newsletter can be downloaded here.
Mar 1: Andrew Chambers, Alexander Svetgoff and Dr. Manimala visit the Liner Technology Facility at NASA Langley to conduct tests on new low-frequency acoustic liner configurations. Many thanks to our NASA hosts Mike Jones, Brian Howerton, Martha Brown and Larry Becker for sharing their time and expertise to further our understanding of acoustic liners.
- Feb 10: News item on Dr. Manimala receiving the 2016 DARPA Young Faculty Award appears in OSU's student newspaper, O'Colly. Click here to view a scan from this issue.
- Feb 9: An article covering the research underway at SSDL as part of the DARPA YFA program is published in OSU's annual research magazine 'OSU Research Matters.' A link to the online magazine is provided here. To view a scan of some pages from the magazine, click here.
- Jan 31: Catherine Sheehan, AE undergrad joins our group as a research volunteer. Welcome Catherine!
- Jan 23: Welcome Chris Totty and Tetsuro Tonooka! Undergrad RAs Chris and Tetsuro will support several projects underway at SSDL.
- Jan 12: Dr. Jeff Callicoat joins SSDL as a post-doctoral researcher. Jeff's expertise is in the area of experimental structural acoustics. His research focus will be on metamaterials-inspired MEMS devices. Welcome Jeff!
- Jan 10: Karthik Madhamshetty, MS student in MAE joins as GRA. Karthik will work on inertant acoustic metamaterials for his reseach. Welcome Karthik!